Welcome to The Power of Perspective: Insights from BAE Systems Digital Intelligence. In this series, we dive deep into the evolving threats facing our world—from the battlefield to cyberspace—and the emerging digital trends that are shaping our future. Join us as we uncover compelling stories and breakthrough technologies from the military, space, cyber, and digital realms. From cutting-edge space exploration to the innovations that safeguard our governments and societies, we bring you thought-provoking conversations with leading experts. Tune in for diverse perspectives, expert insights, and a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead. Unlock the power of perspective with us!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Small talk podcast: Can we trust technologies to secure remote working?
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic has ensured that remote working has become a daily fact of life for organisations across the public and private sectors. While most workforces have adapted rapidly to these changing circumstances, challenges still remain – not least when it comes to IT security and having the right technical plan to support secure, and remote, communication and collaboration. In this podcast, BAE Systems’ Andrew Harwood sits down with Joe Boyle, co-founder of SaltDNA, and Fabian Eberle, the co-founder of Keyless, to discuss the way forward.